Consider this a formality rather than breaking news. 20th Century Fox confirmed today at CinemaCon that Deadpool 2 is indeed on the way with Ryan Reynolds returning as the Merc With A Mouth and fan favorite Cable is set to tag along for the likely violent ride.
The “little comic book film that could” would be the phenomenon that is Deadpool.
The passion project of star Ryan Reynolds and director Tim Miller has grossed over $750 million globally against a relatively frugal production budget of under $60 million since its Valentine’s Day release date. To ever doubt Fox would green light a sequel was not even an option.
In addition to return of Reynolds and Miller, Deadpool screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick will be back as well. Why break up this amazing team, right?
As teased in the film’s end credits bonus scene, Marvel’s Merc With A Mouth will be joined by Cable for the sequel.
During Monday’s CinemaCon presser for the Deadpool Blu-ray release, co-screenwriter Wernick talked about teaming-up the two gun wielding anti-heroes in the then officially unannounced follow-up.
We had a lot of fun with Colossus in the first movie, just by virtue of him being a foil to Deadpool, being a goody two-shoes and a straight shooter and Deadpool being irreverent. And I think Cable offers us the opportunity to provide another really cool, different foil for Deadpool.
He also downplayed the “bigger is better” sequel approach.
We don’t want to make a $200 million epic superhero Deadpool movie. We want to make the $50 million Deadpool sequel. And I think people tapped into this being a character piece, you know? This was a movie about a broken character, a broken guy who’s just trying to make his way in the world, and I think we’re gonna continue that moving forward.
20th Century Fox recently set October 6, 2017 and January 12, 2018 for two untitled Marvel films. It’s a fair bet one will be for Deadpool 2 and the other for Gambit starring Channing Tatum.
Deadpool hits Blu-ray on May 10th.
I’m coming… on Blu-ray MAY 10.
Also, non-existent special edition VHS and LaserDisc, 19 years ago. pic.twitter.com/WE28cJbW1G
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) April 1, 2016
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