It’s actually not breaking Who news that the Cybermen would be returning to make life hell for Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor. That was officially revealed way before Peter Capaldi’s debut in last August’s “Deep Breath.” But we do have some images and videos from “Dark Water,” this Saturday’s first of the the two-part Doctor Who season finale. These new pics show off the latest aesthetic upgrade for the iconic Who villains, but also let us know that the mysterious “Missy,” the Gatekeeper of the Nethersphere (Michelle Gomez), will finally find herself face-to-face with the Doctor.
The popular theory points to Missy being none other than the latest regeneration of The Master, but personally I hope there is a better revelation than that. The character has been teased since the season opener, and given little else to do beyond appearing in brief cryptic scenes since then. Series Eight has not had a defining grand story arc, and has mostly been going with stand alone adventures that explore Capaldi’s Doctor. But it looks like “Missy” is set to make her mark by the season’s end (and likely go into the Who Christmas Special).
From BBC America:
Separated from the Doctor, Clara discovers a new menace from another dimension. But how do you hide when even the walls are no protection?
With people to save and the Doctor trapped, Clara comes up against an enemy that exists beyond human perception.
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