With almost daily online teases that keep us on our toes regarding who may or may not be participating in the big Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special, it’s good to know there are still new episodes on deck for Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor.
Following the events of The Snowmen, 2012’s Doctor Who Christmas Special, the Doctor returns on March 30th in The Bells of St. John to complete the second half of its current season with that swanky retro title sequence, a revamped TARDIS and his new companion Clara Oswin Oswald. Given the established mysterious nature of Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman) this may technically be her third first appearance, having already died twice before our eyes in two different time periods. The post-Ponds dynamic will be an interesting arc to follow throughout the remaining eight episodes preceeding the big Anniversary Special set to air on November 23rd.
From BBC America:
Set in London against the backdrop of new and old iconic landmarks – The Shard and Westminster Bridge – The Bells of St. John introduces a new nemesis, the Spoonheads, who battle the Doctor as he discovers something sinister is lurking in the Wi-Fi. The premiere will be followed by seven epic episodes written by Steven Moffat, acclaimed writer Neil Gaiman (Coraline, Beowulf), Mark Gatiss (Sherlock), Neil Cross (Luther) and Stephen Thompson (Sherlock).
BBC America released new images from the first four upcoming episodes, including the show’s March 30th return in addition to an official pic of the revamped Ice Warriors (set to appear in episode three The Cold War). Current Who EP Steven Moffat also offered this regarding what Whovians can expect this year, which ultimately includes revealing the answer to the Doctor’s greatest secret that has remained a mystery since the first epidsode: “Doctor who?”
“It’s the 50th year of Doctor Who and look what’s going on! We’re up in the sky and under the sea! We’re running round the rings of an alien world and then a haunted house. There’s new Cybermen, new Ice Warriors and a never before attempted journey to the centre of the TARDIS. And in the finale, the Doctor’s greatest secret will at last be revealed! If this wasn’t already our most exciting year it would be anyway!”
Founder and moderator of Nerdy Rotten Scoundrel. Steering this ship the best I can. Lifelong opinionated geek & pop culture enthusiast. Independent television & film professional. Born & raised New Yorker.
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