Bryan Singer is thankfully back to his Twitter ways in delivering major X-Men casting announcements straight to the fans. This time out he has revealed who will be suiting up as the young Cyclops, Storm and Jean Grey in X-Men: Apocalypse, which will be set in the 1980’s and means James Marsden, Halle Berry and Famke Janssen are pretty much past the age requirements to reprise the roles.
The X-Men series mastermind has set Sophie Turner (Game of Thrones) as Jean Grey, Alexandra Shipp (Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B) for Storm, and Tye Sheridan (Mud) will take on Scott Summers / Cyclops.
Meet our new and brilliant young mutants: @Alexshipppp as #Storm@SophieT as #JeanGrey and @TyeSheridan as #Cyclops. #XmenApocalypse
— Bryan Singer (@BryanSinger) January 23, 2015
Image courtesy of Variety:
A Most Violent Year and Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Oscar Isaac is set as the titular immortal mutant villain Apocalypse (teased at the end of X-Men: Days Of Future Past), and will be taking on the First Class cast in what may be a big transition film in Fox’s X-franchise.
Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy and Nicholas Hoult are expected to return as Mystique, Magneto, Charles Xavier and Hank McCoy, likely fulfilling their deal in the now standard three picture franchise commitment.
Patrick Stewart has made is known that he and Ian McKellen will unfortunately not be back this time out as Professor X and Magneto. We should assume that Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine will one way or another make an appearance in the film, because it seems to be a requirement. So far no word yet if Channing Tatum’s Gambit will factor into 20th Century Fox’s grand timeline scheme of things with this film, or will lay low until the Cajun mutant’s solo film is released about four months after Apocalypse.
X-Men: Apocalypse, directed by Bryan Singer, is set for May 27, 2016.
SOURCE: Bryan Singer
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