Ok, there has been a few days to let the Batman announcement to settle in. Let’s face it, the initial outrage will in all likelihood seem trivial by the time things play out on the big screen. We have almost two long speculative heavy years until we see Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck square off in the follow- up to Man of Steel, which will take a story lead from the Frank Miller’s 1986 groundbreaking graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns.
This well edited fan trailer blends footage from various sources and may calm some naysayers still venting over Ben Affleck’s recent casting. This seem to get a lot right in tone and if we were to look ahead to what we likely can expect: The Dark Knight donning a Kryptonite fueled robotic Bat-suit to take down the feared Kryptonian alien, a billionaire boys club alliance between Wayne Industries and LexCorp, and has already gone ahead to cast Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor. It’s time to look forward with faith in the filmmakers, and this isn’t a bad start.
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