The RoboCop remake got its first (underwhelming) trailer last week, and now an official poster is upon us. While the re-design of Detroit’s best robot crime fighter does ultimately look better than the first unofficial pics that emerged from the set that caused an uproar last year (but still looking like Batman’s body armor with a Cylon visor), overall I am not in the least bit excited for this totally unnecessary remake that has The Killing‘s Joel Kinnaman stepping in for Peter Weller as Alex Murphy / RoboCop.
Check out the new generic character poster in addition to the film’s first trailer below, which is of course chock full of homages to the original. Would you buy this for a dollar?
Directed by José Padilha, the cast also includes Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman, Abbie Cornish, Michael Keaton, Jackie Earle Haley, and Jay Baruchel.
The film is set for release on February 7th, 2014.
We can keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best, but there is sometimes simply no replacing a dark twisted pop culture classic like the 1987 Paul Verhoeven original. Notice that the score from The Terminator is used in this early preview.
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