Phil Lord and Chris Miller, the duo behind Lego Movie and the 21 Jump Street big screen reboot, are developing a new take on the early ’80s cult classic ABC television show The Greatest American Hero. Fox has committed to a pilot for the show update about a man who finds an alien suit that enables him with super powers. The problem is, the instruction manual is nowhere to be found which offers the opportunity for many pratfalls and comedic instances of super powers going wrong.
Per Deadline:
The new Greatest American Hero will chronicle inner-city teacher Isaac’s adventures after his discovery of a superhero suit that gives him superhuman abilities. Unfortunately for Isaac, he hates wearing the suit and has to learn how to use its powers by trial and error because he quickly misplaces the suit’s instructions. He also has to deal with a government handler who has very different objectives than him and struggles as to whether he should use his newfound gifts to help others or just himself.
There is a wealth of potential for a new version with the basic premise of the proposed series. The original show, created by the prolific Steven Cannell, starred blonde mop topped William Katt as schoolteacher turned superhero Ralph Hinkley, Robert Culp as FBI Agent Bill Maxwell and Connie Sellecca as Ralph’s girlfriend Pam Davison. Cannell also created Fox’s TV hit series 21 Jump Street, so Lord and Miller already have practice in successfully updating the TV icon’s work.
Yes, Jim Parsons has worn Hero‘s alien symbol shirt on Big Bang Theory and admittedly I watched it as a kid. It was solid entertainment for a six-year old, but tuned out by the time ABC tried a Greatest American Heroine reboot of their own. Perhaps the true lasting footprint of the tongue in cheek show was the opening theme song. Joe Scarbury’s Believe It or Not hit #2 on the pop charts in August of … 1981. And now I really feel old.
Enjoy the opening credits of the original show, ripe with network TV budget level green screen flying effects and camera cheats to sell super abilities on the cheap.