OK fellow Whovians, this just got real. This awesome behind-the-scenes, image, which was just tweeted by the BBC, will hopefully be the first of many exciting pics from the set of Doctor Who in the coming weeks.
Hopefully April Fool’s Day pranks are not popular in the UK, otherwise it would be REALLY wrong to doctor and post a photo in this manner today.
So here we have it, our first look at Doctors Ten and Eleven sharing time, space and watermarked scripts following the table read of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special.
The read through has just finished for the #DoctorWho50th Special! twitter.com/bbcdoctorwho/s…
— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) April 1, 2013
As we reported over the weekend, BBC announced the big news that David Tennant and Billie Piper would reprise their popular Who roles of the Tenth Doctor and companion Rose Tyler in the landmark half century-in-the-making episode of the iconic British sci-fi series, joining current Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith and companion Clara played by Jenna-Louise Coleman.
Production on the episode beings this week, so fingers crossed for additional imminent pictures, updates and announcements from the set.
SOURCE: Doctor Who Twitter
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