New York City Whovians came out in full force yesterday, welcoming the Doctor himself Matt Smith to a standing room only screening at the Ziegfeld Theater.
BBC America hosted the special Doctor Who event for fans lucky enough to secure tickets made available last Thursday in an online frenzy, which cost eleven cents a head in honor of the current Doctor’s 11th incarnation. The first two in line outside the theater had been camped out since midnight to secure prime seats to see Asylum of The Daleks, the upcoming seventh season premiere set to air on September 1st. Costumes were not in short supply, with many getting into their favorite characters for the occasion.
Smith and his Who co-star Karen Gillan arrived in DeLoreans, and were joined by executive producer Caroline Skinner, and Nerdist host Chris Hardwick, who moderated a Q&A following the screening. After pulling up to the premiere in the rival time machine made famous in Back To The Future, the TARDIS-less sci-fi stars posed for pictures and signed autographs for fans outside the legendary New York City theater.
In addition to attending the show, I also had the opportunity to participate in roundtable interviews with Smith and Gillan held prior to their arrival. Stay tuned, more on that to come.
Shortly before the screening was set to begin at 6pm, many of the anxious fans took out their sonic screwdrivers, and a sea of blue and green lights lit up the theater, in addition to clapping the rhythm a Time Lord’s heartbeat to maintain an atmosphere of excitement.
Hardwick appeared first and made a note to honor Neil Armstrong, who had passed away earlier in the day. He then introduced the stars front and center to a rock star worthy reception. Before the lights dimmed, Matt Smith made a heartfelt request to the audience that spoilers regarding the episode be kept to themselves, until fans worldwide can enjoy all the revelations on September 1st when the episode airs. So while I will write up a review, I will not be doing so now. But I will say if the season premiere is any indication of the ride we are in for, it is going to be a stellar story arc. Cheers and a standing ovation ensued when the credits rolled. It was also a real treat to see it not only on the big screen, but at the Ziegfeld.
The iconic British show, which celebrates its 50th anniversary next year, has seen a huge resurgence in popularity since a big budget makeover in 2005. Since taking on the role, Matt Smith has made appearances in the Big Apple at screenings for each of his three season premieres. At the event for Smith’s official debut as the eleventh Doctor at the Paley Center in April 2010, he made it known to that audience he hoped the show would shoot here at some point.
This past April, production indeed came to New York City for the first time to shoot the fifth episode of this upcoming season, and pictures swiftly surfaced online from scenes shot in Times Square and Central Park. The episode will not only see the return of the eerie villains The Weeping Angles, but mark the departure of The Doctor’s popular companions, Gillan’s Amy Pond and on-screen husband played by Arthur Darvill.
Check back here later this week for excerpts from the rountable interviews where I asked Matt about filming in New York City and Karen about the final moments shooting her last scene on the set of Doctor Who.
The Doctor Who seventh season premiere, Asylum of the Daleks, airs worldwide on September 1st. Here in the States tune in to BBC America at 9pm.
PHOTOS: BBC America, NerdyRottenScoundrel
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