Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four reboot isn’t exactly racking up stellar reviews (you can read my take HERE), and the director is already distancing himself from the version that hits theaters today.
In a tweet that was posted then quickly deleted, Trank claims his earlier cut of the film from a year ago would not have earned the current wrath of fans and critics alike.
“A year ago I had a fantastic version of this,” he wrote. “And it would’ve recieved great reviews. You’ll probably never see it. That’s reality though.”
The director, whose low budget ‘found footage’ big screen debut Chronicle was an unexpected gem, has been caught in a whirlwind of negative buzz over the last several months. From rumors of necessary re-shoots, unprofessional behavior on the FF set and his recent departure from the director’s chair of an upcoming Star Wars Anthology film, Trank has certainly found himself in a crater of bad news.
As he said in his Tweet, we probably will never see his earlier cut of the film since Fox hasn’t really pushed him into the spotlight during the main thrust of the Fantastic Four press tour and rough cuts aren’t typically included as extras on home releases.
Among it’s many problems, FF‘s final cut is definitely choppy and easily needs another 15 minutes to add some character development to the main cast. But it’s rarely in the cards to see exactly what form films take in earlier edits. When the dust settles it will be interesting to see if Trank, the cast, or co-screenwriter Simon Kinberg will be pressed in future interviews to address the incessant pre-release bad buzz or elaborate on the alleged behind-the-scenes drama in the film’s production process.
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