While we all wait for the official press release from Warner Bros. announcing that Jason Momoa will indeed play Aquaman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, right now there is this interview clip from last night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Momoa was a guest on the show and Kimmel wasted little time in showing the Game of Thrones muscle man a picture of DC Comics’ King of the Seven Seas and quizzing him about the rampant online casting buzz. Momoa pretty much just playfully skirted the issue when Kimmel directly put the question out there.
“Is that a rumor or is that happening?” Kimmel asked.
“That would be pretty exciting. What do you think? ” Momoa said. “We’ll have to wait and see.”
Yep. We’ll be waiting.
Check out the full clip below:
Momoa was on Kimmel to talk up his upcoming film, Road to Paloma, in which he stars, co-wrote, directed and co-produced.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, with Zack Snyder at the helm, is set for May 6th, 2016 and stars Henry Cavill (Superman), Ben Affleck (Batman), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Jeremy Irons (Alfred Pennyworth), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White), Ray Fisher (Cyborg) and Holly Hunter.
SOURCE: Jimmy Kimmel Live
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