Matt Smith’s time as the Doctor is coming to end on Christmas Day. In this year’s highly anticipated Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor, we will see Smith regenerate into the next incarnation of the iconic Time Lord, to be played by Peter Capaldi, and the next stage of adventures will be set.
As we saw in last month’s 50th Anniversary episode, The Day of the Doctor, Gallifrey is still out there in a time pocket, and not destroyed by the Doctor in accordance with a new timeline, and a new driving arc has been found for the show’s future.
Matt Smith’s swan song is sure to leave fans at a loss, but at the same time a welcome introduction to Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor (or Thirteenth? Fourteenth??).
From BBC:
“As the eleventh hour nears, a regeneration is on the horizon, but not before the Doctor (Matt Smith) and his companion, Clara (Jenna Coleman), enjoy one last adventure. This year’s Doctor Who Christmas special marks the end of the Eleventh Doctor. Through his many adventures, this Doctor has rescued dinosaurs on a spaceship, married his love – River Song and encountered aliens including The Silence, Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels and more. But it was his latest adventure, The Day of the Doctor, that effectively changed the course of his history as we know it when he and twelve versions of himself banded together to save Gallifrey from destruction. Now facing his very last adventure, the Eleventh Doctor receives a signal that brings him face-to-face with a massed force of the universe’s deadliest aliens. What this signal means for his future life is unknown, but when the clock strikes twelve, the Eleventh will be no more.”
“Join BBC AMERICA for a full day of Doctor Who when the series takes over Christmas. Catch the TV premiere of the six-minute Doctor Who prequel, The Night of The Doctorat 6:00pm ET followed by an encore of the 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor. Then tune-in for the world premiere of an all-new special, Farewell to Matt Smith, a retrospective look back at Matt Smith’s time as the Eleventh Doctor at 8:00pm ET followed by the premiere of The Time of the Doctor at 9:00pm ET.”
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