Who would have thought Captain America: The Winter Solider makes a pretty bad ass ’80s action film? Turns it does.
You must check out this amazing mash-up video trailer crafted by YouTube user ChiefBrodyRules that sends Marvel’s First Avenger through a cheesy retro filter You can spot some well placed shots from Die Hard and RoboCop in there all to the thumping synthesizer beats. The spot on degraded VHS quality to it adds that last level of perfection!
Here is the faux film’s plot via CheifBrodyRules:
The year is 2007. Crime is at an all time high and the law has a plan to wipe it out! CAPTAIN AMERICA (Chris Evans), a Vietnam vet who was given super strength by a military scientist, Abraham Erskine (Cillian Murphy) is now America’s new crime fighter. When he refuses to kill an innocent Senator he is back stabbed by the very people who made him! He’s out for revenge. If you’re going to make enemies, you better make sure it’s not America!
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