Do you want to see how George R.R. Martin really envisions the Iron Throne looking like? As bad ass as it is on HBO’s Game of Thrones, it pales in comparison to the image the author revealed via his Live Journal blog, Not A Blog.
“This Iron Throne is scary. And not at all a comfortable seat, just as Aegon intended,” says Martin.
According to Martin in describing the throne here painted by artist Marc Simonetti:
“The HBO throne has become iconic. And well it might. It’s a terrific design, and it has served the show very well.”
“And yet, and yet… it’s still not right. It’s not the Iron Throne I see when I’m working on THE WINDS OF WINTER. It’s not the Iron Throne I want my readers to see. The way the throne is described in the books… HUGE, hulking, black and twisted, with the steep iron stairs in front, the high seat from which the king looks DOWN on everyone in the court… my throne is a hunched beast looming over the throne room, ugly and assymetric…”
“From now on, THIS will be the reference I give to every other artist tackling a throne room scene.This Iron Throne is massive. Ugly. Assymetric. It’s a throne made by blacksmiths hammering together half-melted, broken, twisted swords, wrenched from the hands of dead men or yielded up by defeated foes… a symbol of conquest… it has the steps I describe, and the height. From on top, the king dominates the throne room. And there are thousands of swords in it, not just a few.”
This is the version of the throne that will be seen in the upcoming A World of Ice and Fire.
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