I have found re-visiting timeless classics on the big screen to be a real treat. It goes without saying few are deserving of the royal treatment more than The Wizard of Oz, which celebrates its 75th Anniversary this year (it seems like only yesterday I bought the 70th Anniversary Edition on DVD).
I caught the amazing IMAX 3D re-release this morning in NYC and honestly it was a nothing less than a stunning experience to see it on the big BIG screen, digitally re-mastered and looking so good (this from a stickler of shoddy 3D conversion, muddy 3D projection and grainy IMAX blow-ups).
As the oldest film ever to be put to the test of IMAX 3D proportions, I went into it full of tech snob skepticism and came out feeling like a kid again. It is really a triumph and testament to the over 1000 artists and filmmakers involved in the 16 month long conversion process. Not that you’re looking for film grain, but there is no film grain to look for (from a 75 year old negative!) much less scratches or dirt. The colors are vibrant, and the presentation showcased welcome restraint by not over saturating the film. The 3D was not overdone, just adding a minute extra layer that falls in line with the best of the modern 3D experience.
And lest we forget, it’s THE WIZARD OF OZ!
You really owe it to yourself to take another walk down the Yellow Brick Road starting this Friday during its one week run in one of the 318 IMAX theaters set to showcase the timeless film. Most of us have only seen it on broadcast TV or on home video, so don’t miss out on this big screen opportunity.
I will have a full review here in the next day or two, but for now enjoy IMAX’s Behind The Frame featurette below which follows the production process involved in Oz’s return to theaters, as well as the new trailer for its 75th Anniversary IMAX release.
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