In what is likely a direct response to the crappy leaked pics of the Batmobile from the Detroit set of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice over the past few days, director Zack Snyder tweeted a new official pic of the iconic car, which offers a much more flattering look at the revamped and insanely badass version. I mean, this version has a friggin’ double barrel cannon up front!!
This full frontal image looks like it’s from the same abandoned warehouse photo shoot that first revealed Ben Affleck in the Batsuit and provided us with a sneak peek of what to expect on the big screen in 2016. While the pics that surfaced online this week looked incredibly cool, even taken in the day at low-res, obviously Snyder wants to present things in the best way possible, in controlled photo-op conditions.
It goes without saying there was a better chance of hell freezing over than Ben Affleck walking onto an Batman v Superman exterior set in full costume before an official shot was released online. There’s too much riding on this for long lens paparazzi or grainy cell phone pics to taint the opinions of us too often judgmental internet folks.
Here’s a real picture of the #Batmobile. http://t.co/47beaZqr6f pic.twitter.com/Ez1ILa8JeE
— ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) September 11, 2014
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, with Zack Snyder at the helm, is set for May 6th, 2016 and stars Henry Cavill (Superman), Ben Affleck (Batman), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Jeremy Irons (Alfred Pennyworth), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White), Ray Fisher (Cyborg), Scoot McNairy and Holly Hunter.
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