Talking to the New York Post, Man of Steel director Zack Snyder did not deny that there may be something cooking in his Superman reboot as far planting the seeds for the big screen Justice League movie is concerned.
“I don’t know how Justice League is going to be handled. Honestly, I don’t,” Snyder said. “But The Man of Steel exists, and Superman is in it. I don’t know how you’d move forward without acknowledging that.”
When grilled further on whether Man of Steel would lay down the groundwork to setting up the DC Universe on the big screen, as in a possible post-credits surprise cameo (a staple that built Marvel’s well paced lead into The Avengers), or even a simple reference to Gotham City, Snyder did not directly answer, but his pleading the Fifth had him acknowledging the actual answer would in fact be spoiler material.
“Um, how can I answer that?” he wonders. “I can’t really say anything to that, because that’s a big spoiler. I will say, yeah, they trust me to keep them on course.” And that fans, would be a perfectly deflected ‘Yes.’
“We approach the film as a single endeavor,” he said of the obvious plans beyond Man of Steel. “There are a lot of gears that have to turn in the world of commerce and the world of the mythology we create to facilitate more adventures for this character. We’ll see what happens.”
Warner Bros. has a interesting path to take with building towards Justice League, which would presumably team up the big DC Trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman along with possible popular candidates like Green Lantern, Flash and Aquaman.
WB just concluded its current run with Christian Bale as Batman with The Dark Knight Rises, so a new Caped Crusader will be on board from here on in. 2011’s Green Lantern starring Ryan Reynolds was far from a hit with fans, critics or the box office. Moving forward from that film is up in the air, but including Reynolds would at least add a second familiar face to a team of rebooted big screen heroes. Wonder Woman has stalled over the years attempting to get to either the small screen and big screen, so her re-introduction will likely fall within Justice League.
The new big screen Superman, Henry Cavill, is signed on for three films, which is not uncommon for big potential franchises. Whether Justice League is a part of that deal remains to be seen, but looks like a sure bet he will headline it. Though even committing to three pics seems like a light load next to the contract Chris Evans signed with Marvel Studios to play Captain America, whose whopping nine picture deal was talked down to six, and that included appearing in The Avengers and its sequels. In addition, it is highly likely Ryan Reynolds also signed a multi-picture deal for Green Lantern, so whether WB holds him to that in regards to Justice League or not is another factor to weigh in on.
But whatever the exact plan may be, its is more likely than not that Warners will use Man of Steel as a springboard for the big screen DC Universe considering its the only live action project on the horizon set for release in the next two years.
Man of Steel, starring Henry Cavill (Superman/Clark Kent/Kal-El), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Kevin Costner (Jonathan Kent), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Russell Crowe (Jor-El), Michael Shannon (General Zod) and Laurence Fishburne (Perry White), is set for theaters on June 14, 2013.
The highly anticipated first full-length trailer will be attached to The Hobbit, which bows on December 14th.
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