The feline internet sensation Grumpy Cat made a memorable appearance at the MTV Movie Awards last night, sporting her own version of Pharrell’s famous hat. But the Grumpy one also made a big splash when she took the 2014 Toy Fair in New York City by storm in February.
For eager fans there will be no shortage of plush dolls, accessories and attire adorned with the image of the frowning feline. Grumpy Cat made her first Toy Fair stop at the Gund booth for a 10am photo-op with fans. The event started right on time, the kitty was prompt and ready for the meet & greet, and the line stretched all around Gund’s massive showroom.
Later in the day at the Ganz booth, Grumpy Cat stopped by for pics in a more off the cuff setting, posing in front of a blow-up replica and some of her plush toys. Fans on the Toy Fair showroom floor couldn’t help but stop for a photo-op when they got a glimpse of the famous cat.
You can check out the GUND 9″ Grumpy Cat plush HERE.
The GANZ line of Grumpy Cat goodies can be seen HERE.
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