Meet Galvatron, as the fan favorite Decepticon will appear on the big screen in the upcoming Transformers: Age of Extinction. However, it was at Hasbro’s 2014 Toy Fair presentation in NYC that we got our first robot look and name confirmation of the sleek ominous flat nosed truck introduced by Michael Bay online over the summer that would be featured in his fourth Transformers film.
There was initial online speculation that the it was Ultra Magnus who was revealed, also a flat nosed truck and successor to Optimus Prime as a temporary leader of the Autobots. But Hasbro set the record straight with naming Galvatron as Prime’s dark doppleganger in the next big screen adventure that promises re-designed looks for many familiar characters in Transformers. In the animated lore, Galvatron was the upgraded version of Decepticon leader Megatron at the hands of Unicron. If Bay adheres somewhat to this story arc, then we have just met the rebooted evil leader and sworn enemy of Optimus Prime in the next film. Add in that it would also be truck vs. truck this time out, as neither Megatron not Galvatron transformed into earth based auto motives in the cartoon versions.
Though if there was any tell tale clue to this Galvatron having ties to his earlier incarnations, he wields an arm cannon as Megatron famously had. Though go figure for some reason Bay’s big screen version of Megatron excluded his signature destructive firearm.
Until we have more info, here is Transformers: Ages of Extinction‘s version of the Generations Voyager Galvatron as seen at the Hasbro Toy Fair NYC showroom.
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