More good news for Robotech fans. Reportedly Sony is looking to James Wan to direct the big screen adaptation of the American version of the cult ’80s anime series. Wan is now a much wanted man with the recent worldwide box office juggernaut that is Furious 7. Will he be available to take the gig?
With the recent news that Sony had acquired the big screen rights to Robotech with franchise potential, it seemed like us fans were finally on our way to seeing the iconic anime property come to live action life. Deadline is reporting the studio is in early talks with Wan to helm the adaptation which pits humans piloting transforming mecha against giant alien invaders seeking to reclaim vital advanced technology known as Protoculture.
However, Wan is obviously now an extremely hot property in his own right with Furious 7 taking in well over a $1 billion dollars at the international box office so far. He is reportedly Warner Bros. choice to helm Aquaman’s big screen solo adventure starring Jason Momoa set for 2018 as well as being in Fox’s sights for the adaptation of the Malignant Man graphic novel. His next project is the second chapter in The Conjuring franchise for WB shooting in the fall.
If Sony wants Wan, it looks like there will either be some schedule juggling to do on the director’s part or it means the promise of Robotech being on a so-called fast track now has it even further away from the big screen.
Hollywood Gang is also on board in an above the line capacity to see the project through headed by producers Gianni Nunnari and Mark Canton. 300 and G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra screenwriter Michael Gordon will pen the script.
SOURCE: Deadline
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