The cast and creative team of Arrow hit Comic-Con today and of course brought with them an epic sneak peek at the show’s upcoming third season. Among the highlights: we get a quick glimpse at Colton Hayes’ Roy Harper suiting up as Arsenal, an intro to Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer, also known to DC fans as The Atom, more Olicity via a dinner date between Oliver and Felicity, plus Oliver reveals he wasn’t trapped on the island for the entire five years he was missing, turns out he also had a run-in with Amanda Waller in Hong Kong. Things look as edgy as we could expect, plus is Katie Cassidy’ Laurel Lance ready to take on the Black Canary mantle from her sister Sarah?
Earlier this week, EW had the first reveal of Arsenal’s look on hit The CW show, which returns for its season premiere on October 8th at 8pm.
Arrow stars Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Emily Bett Rickards, Colton Haynes, Willa Holland, Paul Blackthorne, and John Barrowman. Cast additions announced for Season Three include Brandon Routh, Peter Stormare and Devon Aoki.
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